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Having a few conversation starters up your sleeve whatever your level can be essential for several reasons, especially if conversing in French is daunting to you as a learner.

Firstly, conversation starters can help ease you into a conversation.

If you’re nervous about speaking in French, having a go-to conversation starter can take the pressure off and give you something to say right from the beginning. It can also help you establish a connection with the person you’re speaking with and create a more comfortable environment for the conversation.

Secondly, conversation starters can help you stay on track during the conversation. If you’re new to speaking French, it can be easy to get lost or struggle to find the right words to say. Having a few pre-prepared go-to topics in mind can help you stay focused on the conversation and avoid awkward pauses.

Thirdly, conversation starters can help you build your confidence in French. By having a few reliable topics to fall back on, you can feel more prepared and confident in your ability to hold a conversation in French. Over time, as you become more comfortable and proficient in the language used to talk about these topics, you can start to branch out and explore different topics or use more complex or challenging French.

Please note: I wrote these based on you addressing the conversation partner as ‘TU’ not ‘VOUS’ to keep it informal so feel free to change it up depending on who you speak to.


Conversation Starters for Beginner Level

1. D’après toi, quel est le plat français le plus bizarre? (What is the strangest French dish in your opinion?)

2. Si tu devais choisir entre manger une baguette ou du fromage tous les jours pour le reste de ta vie, lequel choisirais-tu? (If you had to choose between eating a baguette or cheese every day for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?)

3. As-tu déjà essayé de parler français à quelqu’un en France? Raconte-moi ça. (Have you ever tried speaking French to someone in France? Telle me about it.)

4. Si tu pouvais visiter n’importe quelle région de France, laquelle choisirais-tu et pourquoi? (If you could visit any region of France, which one would you choose and why?)

5. Quelle est ta chanson française préférée et pourquoi? (What is your favorite French song and why?) Aimes-tu la musique française? (Do you like French music?)

6. Quel temps fait-il aujourd’hui chez toi? (What’s the weather like today where you are?) Quelle est ta saison préférée ? Pourquoi ? (What’s your favourite season ? Why ?)

7. Quelle est ta raison principale pour apprendre le français ? (What is your main reason for learning French?)

8. As-tu un grande famille ? As-tu des enfants ? Tu as des frères ou des soeurs? (Do you have a big family? Do you have any children? Do you have any brothers or sisters?)

9. Comment apprends-tu le français? Depuis quand ? (How are you learning French? Since when?)

10. Qu’est-ce que tu fais pendant ton temps libre? (What do you do in your free time?)


Not sure how to say these? Press the play button to listen to the French pronunciation now.  

Conversation Starters for Intermediate Level

1. As-tu déjà voyagé en France? Si oui, qu’est-ce qui t’a le plus marqué? (Have you ever traveled to France? If so, what impressed you the most?)

2. Si tu pouvais être une célébrité ou un personnage historique français pour une journée, qui choisirais-tu et pourquoi? (If you could be a celebrity or a French historical figure for a day, who would you choose and why?)

3. Quel est le plat français que tu voudrais apprendre à cuisiner? (What is the French dish you would like to learn to cook?)

4. As-tu déjà eu une expérience culturelle choquante en France? Si oui, laquelle? (Have you ever had a shocking cultural experience in France? If so, which one?)

5. Quel est ton travail ou ta profession? (What’s your job or profession?) Depuis quand travailles-tu là ? (How lomg have you been working there?)

6. Qu’est-ce que tu penses de la cuisine française? (What do you think of French cuisine?)

7. As-tu déjà eu un malentendu pendant une conversation en français ? (Have you ever had a misunderstanding during a conversation in French?)

8. Quel est ton livre ou film français préféré? Il est à propos de quoi ? (What’s your favorite French book or movie? What is it about?)

9. Quelle est ta ville française préférée? Qu’est-ce qu’on peut y faire ? (What’s your favorite French city? What is there to do there?)

10. As-tu des projets de voyage en France bientôt? (Do you have any travel plans to France soon?)


Not sure how to say these? Press the play button to listen to the French pronunciation now.  

Conversation Starters for Advanced Level

1. Quel est ton mot français préféré et pourquoi? (What is your favorite French word and why?)

2. Si tu pouvais discuter avec n’importe quel écrivain français (vivant ou décédé), qui choisirais-tu et pourquoi? (If you could have a conversation with any French writer (living or dead), who would you choose and why?)

3. Si tu devais vivre en France pour le reste de ta vie, quelle région choisirais-tu et pourquoi? (If you had to live in France for the rest of your life, which region would you choose and why?)

4. As-tu déjà assisté à un événement culturel important en France? Si oui, de quoi s’agissait-il et quelle a été ton expérience? (Have you ever attended an important cultural event in France? If so, what was it and what was your experience?)

5. Quelle est la chose la plus drôle ou étrange que tu aies vécue en parlant français? (What is the funniest or strangest thing you have experienced while speaking French?)

6. Qu’est-ce que tu penses de la situation politique actuelle en France? (What do you think of the current political situation in France?)

7. Comment penses-tu que la technologie changera le monde à l’avenir? (How do you think technology will change the world in the future?)

8. Quel est ton point de vue sur les défis environnementaux actuels? (What’s your view on current environmental challenges?)

9. Comment penses-tu que la pandémie de COVID-19 affectera le monde à long terme? (How do you think the COVID-19 pandemic will affect the world in the long term?)

10. Quelle est ta plus grande passion dans la vie? (What’s your biggest passion in life?)


Not sure how to say these? Press the play button to listen to the French pronunciation now.  

Hope you liked these French conversation starters and will be using some of these!

Having a few conversation starters on the ready can really help you overcome some of the challenges of conversing in French as a learner, and make the experience more enjoyable and rewarding.

So don’t be afraid to prepare a few of these topics ahead of time, and keep them handy for your next conversation in French!


We’d love to help you reach your French fluency goal and here’s the link to get in touch.