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Hey French Speak-ers,

Here is another short interactive video filled with practical sentences to help with the all-important shopping, you will learn how to:

–          Ask for items and quantities of food at the market

–          Ask for help to find things in the supermarket

–          Talk about shopping habits and preferences

–          Practise listening for and understanding prices

Watch the short video and enjoy!


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Asking for things in shops and paying for them:

When asking for things, it’s usual to begin with a phrase like je voudrais… (I’d like…) or je vais prendre…(I’ll take…).

To find out if something’s in stock, ask Vous avez… ? (Have you got…?).

Je voudrais du fromage de chèvre.

I’d like some goat’s cheese.

Je vais prendre des pommes.

I’ll take some apples.

Je vais prendre des pommes.

I’ll take some apples.

Je vais prendre du saucisson sec.

I’ll take some dried salami.

Vous avez du Camembert?

Have you any Camembert?

If you know how much of something you want use:

un kilo… , demi-kilo … deux cent grammes, une tranche, une boîte or even un morceau.

All of these are followed by de (=of):

Un morceau de fromage

A piece of cheese

Deux tranches de jambon

Two slices of ham

Je voudrais un kilo de pommes

I’d like a kilo of apples.

Je voudrais deux bottes de carottes

I’d like two bunches of carrots.

To say you’ll have some apples, cheese etc, you need to use du , de la , de l’ or des, depending on what you’re asking for:

Je voudrais du fromage

I’d like some cheese

(le fromage is masculine and singular)

Je vais prendre des pommes

I’d like some apples

(les pommes are plural)

When it comes to paying you might be asked if you’re paying:

with cash, en espèces, or

with a credit card, par carte bleue or just

Vous réglez comment ? /Vous payez comment ?

How are you paying?

Other key shopping phrases you’ll hear are:

C’est tout ?

Is that all?

Avec ceci /cela ?

Anything else?

Bonne journée

Have a nice day