So you’ve decided to rent a car in France?
Driving holidays are a popular choice of holiday for French families and visitors alike.
France offers beautiful changing scenery to appeal to everybody.
If you can avoid driving on public holiday days as the traffic jams can be lengthy.
Here are some vocabulary which will help you if you decide to hire a car in French.
LE PERMIS DE CONDUIRE | luh permee duh kondweer | DRIVING LICENSE |
L’ASSURANCE | lasoo-roñs | INSURANCE |
LA MARCHE ARRÎÈRE | la marsh aree-yehr | REVERSE GEAR |
LE COFFRE | luh cofr | CAR BOOT |
LES CLÉS | lay clay | KEYS |
Je voudrais louer une voiture | zhuh voodray looay oon vwatoor | I ‘d like to hire a car |
… pour…jours | poor…zhoor | …. for…days |
… pour le week-end | poor luh weekend | … for the weekend |
Quels sont vos tarifs…? | kel soñ voh tareef… | What are your rates…? |
Par jour | par zhoor | …per day |
par semaine | par suhmen | …per week |
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Est-ce que le kilométrage est en plus? | es kuh luh keelo-maytrazh eh oñ ploos | Is there a charge for the mileage? |
C’est combien? | say koñ-byañ | How much is it? |
Est-ce que le prix comprend l’ assurance tous-risques? | es kuh luh pree koñproñ lasoo-roñs too reesk | Does the price include fully comprehensive insurance? |
Est-ce que je dois rendre la voiture ici? | es kuh zhuh dwa roñdr la vwatoor eesee | Must I return the car here? |
Je voudrais la laisser à… | zhuh voodray la lay-say a… | I’d like to leave it in…(town name) |
Vers quelle heure? | vehr kel ur | Around what time? |
Pouvez-vous me montrer…? | poovay voo muh moñtray… | Could you show me …? |
Il faut rendre la voiture avec un plein d’essence? | eel foh roñdr la vwatoor avek uñ plan dessoñs | Do I have to return the car with a full tank? |
To hear how they sound, please click here: